Bulging and herinating HUH???
Anterolisthesis ??? is a problem with the spine.
The vertebrae are the bones that protect the spinal cord. Each vertebra has a thick drum-shaped area in front called a vertebral body. Between the vertebrae are spaces that allow nerves (nerve roots) to go from the spinal cord to other parts of the body. In anterolisthesis, the upper vertebral body is positioned abnormally compared to the vertebral body below it.
More specifically, the upper vertebral body slips forward on the one below. The amount of slippage is graded on a scale from 1 to 4. Grade 1 is mild (20% slippage), while grade 4 is severe (100% slippage).
Symptoms can vary depending on whether the slippage is enough to pinch the nerve roots (the portion of the nerve that leaves the spinal cord to connect to other parts of the body) that go from the spinal cord to other parts of the body. In this case, the symptoms will differ depending on where the affected area is.
Symptoms can involve movement or problems feeling sensations (such as heat, cold, pain, position in space, etc.), loss of control of bowels or bladder, pain and poor posture. The slippage often occurs as a result of bone fractures. A doctor will take the patient's medical history and do a physical exam, including checking the patient's reflexes. X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) will also show the slippage.
Treatment options include interbody fusion and surgical instrumentation techniques.
Am I just lucky or what?
It has only been since FEB 1rst since my last two surgeries!
Could be worse...
I guess....
If ya say so...
Be back when I can get sone relief.
Hey ans once these feet get HAPPY again...watch out.
I will be dancing like no ne has ever seen! ( could be ugly, ya know like Elaine on Seinfeild!)
Love TJ
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Suffering in silence ..Oh they wish! Call me cry baby...

Physical therapy must take more then a few tweaks....of course I knew that but had such high hopes.
This Steve is cautious and soon he will have the results of the MRI. That is such a wonderful test and I feel so fortunate to be able to have it.
Because of my history back in 2000 with cancer they even did an injection that will help to highlight any cancer hot spots if they exists.
I have been told so many horror stories of such neck, shoulder and arm pain that nothing ever really shows up.
Me That would be great to find NOTHING but I do need NOTHING fixed.
Man I don't ask for much now do I?
I try very hard to be manageable and pleasent but admit I have dropped a few tears.
Seen this joke and thought it was cute...

Go bless those who choose to work with people with their worst sides....
Sunday, April 20, 2008
It won't come to you..you have to go for it!

Relax. Take a deep breath.
He will come dressed in a harem costume floating into the room on the end of a smoke tail.
A single blink of an eye and you are off to travel through time and space.
He has the answers you seek.
"Deep" view or "relative" view?
I am not simply searching out the expression and consequence of human whims and designs.
I want all which remains essentially mysterious in nature, dangerously wild, unpredictable and largely out of our control....
Just once....just once adding more color to my thoughts.
You read about all the magical incidences( myths) in the long- long ago past times yet nothing today.
Sit and conjure all you can and still 'Nada.
I cannot even find a fortuneteller who advertises a promise for winning Lottery numbers!
I am guessing that mysterious in nature, dangerously wild, unpredictable and largely out of our control isn't a random act in these times.
So I will ask just once more...clicking heels together, crossing fingers and toes.
Here's to the future.....Hear my cry.
Might you spare a dragon or dragon slayer?
A birds or beasts, next the human-animal composites, followed by creatures of darkness, and finally the fairies and giants.
Must I seattle for The Walleye Fish Slayer?
Hummm. Just doesn't seem as exciting!
He is leaving again today for Ohio....I really need to get this shoulder well so I can entertain myself.
Smiling....Going to Soaring Eagle next Friday night. World class Get away.The Soaring Eagle Resort is decorated in a woodland Indian motif. Over $2 million of Native American artwork is exhibited throughout the property; wool carpeting featuring custom woodland Indian designs adorn the hotel lobby, Grand Ballroom and meeting rooms.
The original stained glass reflecting the Anishnabe Culture is found on every floor.
Check out the winners for Feb. I want to be one for April!!
February William HaasTheresa WalterGeorge VanLuvenSherry CookCarrie L. HardingCorrine FournierRita BergerAnthony EllisRoxie LindnerGreg & Linda VodickaSharon L. Wyse
Saturday, April 19, 2008
" Miss can you lick this? "

Yesterday Meg went home...I miss her already.
We worked together and made her a Private blog as a project.
She wanted one so bad. It was so hard for me to get her to understand just how mean other kids can be and why if I helped her it would have to be private.
It would break my heart if someone ( a friend from yesterday, enemy for today ) wrote something hateful as a comment. And there is always the chance you know that it can work both ways...she could be the one to write something mean about someone else.
Anyway she is learning alot as we pull it all together and it is precious. She has invited grandparents and her teacher...
We took a trip to the Humane Society. She had never been nor did she understand what it was all about. I had to explain it is primarily DOG jail, a place for misunderstood or unwanted pets.
It was a sad event yet we both found ourselves smiling and finger petting all the animals, one by one through their cages.
After that we went for a pick me up....the new make up counter at JC Pennys!
Samples..may I say again and I can not express to the extreme Samples!
She looked like a "cheap hooker " before we left.
Of course I didn't deliver her in such shape, we washed up pretty good.
The remaining smell was a complete arm message of chocolate body lotion which had to experienced.
Name me one 8 year old who loves Chocolate as much as she does who wouldn't ask
" Miss can you lick this? "
Have to post my
It was a sad event yet we both found ourselves smiling and finger petting all the animals, one by one through their cages.
After that we went for a pick me up....the new make up counter at JC Pennys!
Samples..may I say again and I can not express to the extreme Samples!
She looked like a "cheap hooker " before we left.
Of course I didn't deliver her in such shape, we washed up pretty good.
The remaining smell was a complete arm message of chocolate body lotion which had to experienced.
Name me one 8 year old who loves Chocolate as much as she does who wouldn't ask
" Miss can you lick this? "
Have to post my
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Poster child for "Living in the moment" speaks up again...

(starring straight forward into the mirror side by side)
I was waiting for "mine is smaller then yours...." boy would I have collasped with a belly roll laugh from that one!
Funnier yet we forgot what the hell we was trying to make a point about.....
oh the diet, that's right that damn diet!!
Does 1.25 oz count?
( looking like the cat that ate the canary)
Only if it was a 1.25 oz dubbie.
Oh he is so funny.... I suppose he will want to grow out his hair next.
There was those days, times years ago.
I never really could understand that type of "BUZZ".
I was the one in the crowd who got all paranoid.
It is fun to look back, things where so different.
Man oh man So was my butt!
I guess it is all about living in the moment.
He is the poster child for living in the moment or any moment now that I think about it.
ahhh yes...those where the days.
shhh don't tell the kids.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Just for me...from me.

My favorite! The sunflower...and they look fabulous on my table.
I smile every time I walk by....
Summer is indeed on it's way.
I have Meg here with me for the week.
Both crippled in our own way and using each other for support.
Physical Therapy again to day and I should get my schedule for the MRI.
Yup..I am on my way to better health. Watch out...a road trip is hanging in he shadows.
This photo was taken with the flash fill setting as the sun came in through the window...sometimes do you ever wonder how we ever got so lucky to live in this moment we call the 21rst century?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Dudes do Diaper Partys ?

Last night was the Daddy- Daughter Dance for Meg and her daddy.
Severe weather ripped through out area and all I could envision was all those little girls so sweetly dressed up and huddled in a hallway of the school in their daddy's arms.
It didn't last that long...I am thankful.
Hubster and Walleye buddies are all down on Lake Erie.
Walleye fishing and it looks as if it still much like winter down that way to me.
I watched the movie "IN THE WILD" last night, starring Emile Hirsch as a recent college graduate who decides to give away all of his possessions and take a journey to Alaska. He was walking away from life as he knew it to be free from the "social hang ups." hummm not a huge fan of the movie.
Marie went to Italy and brought back some great photos. You must visit!
The next photo challenge is Variety Show!
Nancy explains:Photograph something as viewed as an assortment...something that comes in different varieties. For example, it could be a bunch of flowers, or nuts, or crayons, or birds. The sky's the limit!
I thought it would be fun but now I am stumped. Our weather has dropped back into the 40's and that takes away some photo opportunities I had in mind. I will figure it out...
Tonight is the Diaper Party.
Never heard of such a thing.
It is the men friends of a man who will soon be a father who throws such an event.
Everyone brings a bag of diapers. Then of course there is cards and cocktails. When my son
made mention of this event I couldn't help but laugh. I guess the guys are getting more involved in their children..smiling.
Hell we all know they would drag in a bag of dog crap if it meant they could play cards and drink cocktails... who is kidding who?
Clueless what I will do with my day today.
My arm is still horribly sore so I am limited but I do know I will not watse it.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Now let's get on with it...Life that is.

It is my nature...even when it is to my benefit to not say a word I insist!
I couldn't let this whole last ordeal drop...I just couldn't.
"When are you my dad" calls your home?
It's past us but not with a thank you for the expense of testing or time from anyone on the other end....
So I emailed her through classmates... as she requested.
By now you and Amanda should have received the " Positively No Possibility " test results.
We disagreed with you when you said that "she looks just like you" but thought it would only be right to put closure on this whole question the two of you shared.
Best wishes as you continue your search. I hope you will find it in your heart to NOT use words such as "Rock your world" or "You have a daughter who looks just like you " until you are sure in any future conversations with other family's you may ask for help. I am sure there is a much better approach at all this...
31 years later is a bit late for terms like "I am going to rock your world..you have a daughter who looks just like you!" in my opinion.
I would have looked more a lady I am sure if I had kept my mouth shut but i just couldn't. I felt a need that had to be satisfied.
I am sure this will back fire..it most always does but I am prepared to stand my ground.
I feel now it is over..truly over.
For those who didn't like the way I handled anything... " bite me."
Or better yet, learn from this. I know I did. I for the first time felt outside looking into my own home..wondering , watching and waiting.
Can you ever really forgive and forget or do you always remember the feeling of being so left out?
Monday, April 7, 2008
Another Fracked Up Template under my belt....

Is there anything better then those first few warms days ....
after a very long winter?
after a very long winter?
Gentle breeze blowing in through the window, birds singing and I got inspired to play HTML.
Working on templates today, eating oxycodon for pain in my shoulder and just what the hell was I thinking...??
I have totally ruined Write Words Writers Club blog. ( silent sobbing)
I am sick to death...even put out a call to the master Jod{i} and haven't heard a word of hope...my guess is that I really and truly FRACKED IT UP bad this time.
I never learn..never!
AS you can see I even went on to play with this one more...laughing. I wish I knew why change is such a driving force in my daily life...
Hope everyone is having a fine spring day!
Working on templates today, eating oxycodon for pain in my shoulder and just what the hell was I thinking...??
I have totally ruined Write Words Writers Club blog. ( silent sobbing)
I am sick to death...even put out a call to the master Jod{i} and haven't heard a word of hope...my guess is that I really and truly FRACKED IT UP bad this time.
I never learn..never!
AS you can see I even went on to play with this one more...laughing. I wish I knew why change is such a driving force in my daily life...
Hope everyone is having a fine spring day!
I am starting to meet new Photo blog people again since I am getting back active.
There sure is alot of people to learn from...what a great planet and time to live.
To reach out and meet people in such a way is always a amazing concept.
Friday, April 4, 2008
If you’re alive, your soul is up to something,
Burst of song across the heavens announcing
you've found your loving soul-mate.
Ahhh yes!
Love is in the air.
She will have nothing to do with any other animal but the 90 pound Golden Retriever next door name Champ.
A Yorkie and Golden Retriever....unforeseen love at first sight.
An odd couple of great contrast.
My favorite quote about love is "Love others as you would desire to be loved."
If you’re alive, your soul is up to something, Being wanted. Wanting someone isn't that what it is all about?
New Entry for Round Robyn Photo Challenge- Captions. ( April 5th, Sat. post)
The photo I chose was an older one, my caption is Believe.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Little Woodie

Doesn't do much for me either....
Orgasmic for walleye and I think I may have seen a little woodie
on the hubster while he was standing in front of the display....laughing
It is such an exciting time when we bring the fifth wheel home and pack it up
for the summer.
Adventures...travel and memories. Simple, paid for and just the right size...for what
we use it for.

I am making plans for Groveland Park to take the grandkidz.
We can go and still be close enough to home .
Can not wait....
Toys...need more water toys.
Started a new project....oldest son, daughter, dad and wicked step mother.
We all weigh in tomorrow for the first time.
What a challenge. Oldest son and I have the most to loose.
I am his Fat Ass Sponcer and he is mine.
Love you babe...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
No Mun -No fun! Loosers and winners....

DIET- dirty word,
I have gained and lost a whole person over the years.
This summer our son and his wife has joined us.
That makes grandpa, grama, mom, dad, baby and wife all in the challenge of dropping any amount of weight as long as it is a loss each week.
It has been two years for quitting cigarettes this month.
That flat amazes me as I truly long for a cigarette at least once a day STILL!
Time flys...addictions hang in there tight.
" I don't want to smoke "
" I don't want to smoke " clicking Ruby red slippers together
I am pumped!
This is my summer.
I mean that.
I haven't felt this good is such a long time. Almost like a winner.
The surgeries are paying off big time.
In about a week the hubster takes off to camp and fish with other family and friends down on Lake Erie.
I need plans....
plans that will keep me busy and burning calories and not money.
Besides working...
although it is going to be nice to be back working.
Remembering that " NO MuN NO FUN!"
Speaking of Money...
[see how my mind works]
Sparks just fly re-igniting other thoughts...
Shit I have to go pick our taxes today..almost forgot!
Gotta run...
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